Metallic Paints & Powders

Metallic Paints & Powders

Metallic paints and powders from Modern Masters, Ronan, and Crescent Bronze are popular options for adding a lustrous and metallic finish to surfaces such as walls, furniture, and decor. These products come in a range of metallic colors, including gold, silver, bronze, and copper, and can be applied with brushes, rollers, or sprayers. Modern Masters, Ronan, and Crescent Bronze are all well-known brands in the decorative painting industry and offer high-quality metallic paints and powders that provide excellent coverage and durability. These metallic products can be used to create a variety of effects, from subtle sheens to bold metallic finishes, and are a versatile and creative tool for adding a touch of glamour and luxury to any project.

Products: 112 of 16
SKU Product name   Price  
740774149016 Modern Masters - Metal Effects - Reactive Copper
  • $154.26
740774396014 Modern Masters - Metal Effects - Reactive Bronze
  • $142.26
740774208010 Modern Masters - Metal Effects - Reactive Iron
  • $171.75
740774998959 Modern Masters - Metal Effects - Patina Aging Solution
  • $78.74
740774998942 Modern Masters - Metal Effects - Rust Activator
  • $78.74
ronanaqualeaf Ronan - Aqua Leaf Metallic Paint
  • $57.70
  • $183.70
740774204326 Modern Masters - Metallic Paint Collection - Quart
  • $35.14
  • $54.20
740774204067 Modern Masters - Metallic Paint Collection - 6oz
  • $12.99
  • $13.20
740774204326-5be2de13e57269.3299 Modern Masters - Metallic Paint Collection - Gallon
  • $94.23
  • $170.71
10000000300-1 Crescent Bronze - Metallic Powders
  • $39.23
  • $45.69
10000000301 Crescent Bronze - Pearlescents
  • $38.31
  • $62.77
10000000302 Crescent Bronze - Fluorescents
  • $45.23
  • $47.08
Products: 112 of 16

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